CKA Learning path 10

Using Init Containers in Kubernetes Introduction Init containers are a great way to customize container startup. This lab will allow you to test your knowledge of init containers by using them to solve problems in an existing Kubernetes cluster. Solution Log in to the provided lab server using the credentials provided: ssh cloud_user@<PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS> Create a Sample Pod That Uses an Init Container to Delay Startup Open the pod descriptor file:...

CKA Learning path 9

Building Self-Healing Containers in Kubernetes Introduction Kubernetes offers several features that can be used together to create self-healing applications in a variety of scenarios. In this lab, you will be able to practice your skills at using features such as probes and restart policies to create a container application that is automatically healed when it stops working. Solution Log in to the provided lab server using the credentials provided: ssh cloud_user@<PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS> Set a Restart Policy to Restart the Container When It Is Down Find the pod that needs to be modified:...

CKA Learning path 8

Passing Configuration Data to a Kubernetes Container Introduction Kubernetes has multiple options for storing and managing configuration data. This lab will focus on the process of passing that configuration data to your containers in order to configure applications. You will have the opportunity to work with application configuration in Kubernetes hands-on by passing some existing configuration data stored in Secrets and ConfigMaps to a container. Solution Log in to the provided lab server using the credentials provided:...

CKA Learning path 7

Discovering Pod Resource Usage with Kubernetes Metrics Introduction Kubernetes metrics allow you to gain insight into a wide variety of data about your Kubernetes applications. You can use these metrics to gain insight into how your compute resources are being used. In this lab, you will have the opportunity to hone your skills by investigating existing pods running in a Kubernetes cluster to determine which ones are using the most CPU....

Regular Expression

1. Search by specific head and end, but don’t include them import re reg = '(?<=CN=)[A-Za-z-]*(?=,)' s = "CN=Okta-PagerDuty-RG,OU=Okta Applications,OU=Security Groups,OU=RG New,DC=win,DC=int,DC=rg,DC=com,DC=au", s).group() # it will return 'Okta-PagerDuty-RG'